viernes, 25 de diciembre de 2009


Old man he looks out the window
You know he gets quite a fright.
Whole world has gone and changed on him
Feels like it was overnight.
He saw a world war yeah it came and went
The man walked on the moon right there in his living room
Saw that TV become a religion,
The Wall came down and Big Mac beat the communists.

Feels like it was overnight.

Old man looks out the window
You know he can not open it anymore.
The air outside its gone to rancid
And the doctor said for him you know it wouldn't be so good for
He saw a hole start opening up in the sky
He's buying water man he doesn't even know why
The smog alerts don't let him even go outside
And then he start he start to think
When the Earth it start to die.

Feel like it was overnight

Enjoy your last.
Last taste of freedom!

Old man he looks out the window
You know he does not feel so safe anymore.
he come from those supposed good ole days
When you did not even have to go lock your doors
He saw security man look Police man
Saw the Police start looking like the Army Man,
He saw Army start acting like the C.I.A
And guess what, the C.I.A was the president.

Feels like it was overnight
Enjoy your last.
Last taste of freedom!

miércoles, 23 de diciembre de 2009

Para Hank

“La vida es todo lo agradable que se lo permitas”

"Siempre habrá dinero y putas y borrachos, hasta que caiga la última bomba"

“Algunas personas nunca enloquecen. Tendrán unas vidas realmente horribles”

"Ella era un alma más o menos buena, pero el mundo esta lleno de almas más o menos buenas y mira donde estamos."

"Es bueno sentir hostilidad, mantiene la cabeza despejada."

"Los mayores inventos del hombre son la cama y la bomba atómica: la primera te aísla y la segunda te ayuda a escapar"

"La Muerte se está fumando mis cigarros"

"Mas de un hombre bueno ha acabado en el arroyo por culpa de una mujer"

“Jamás duran los bellos pensamientos ni la bellas mujeres.”

“Si quieres saber donde esta Dios, pregúntale a un borracho.”

“La diferencia entre Arte y Vida es que el Arte es más soportable.”

“Nada hay tan aburrido como la verdad.”

“El individuo bien equilibrado esta loco.”

“Casi todos nacen genios y los entierran tontos”

“El intelectual es un hombre que dice una cosa simple de un modo complicado, un artista es un hombre que dice un a cosa complicada de un modo simple”

"Necesito beber para escribir, escribir para beber. Mi estado de lucidez lo consigo bajo el alcohol"

"Mi ambición está limitada por mi pereza"

"Si eres un fracasado, es muy probable que seas un excelente escritor"

"Si ocurre algo malo, bebes para olvidar, si ocurre algo bueno, bebes para celebrarlo, y si no pasa nada, bebes para que pase algo"

jueves, 17 de diciembre de 2009

Dear Mr. Supercomputer...

Oh my God
I can't believe it
What went wrong?
The human race, in its place
Superstition man's religion
And conditioned mysteries incomplete
And the raven with its haven
Girls and boys Illinois
Springfield with its freak and banter
Strike the cantor
God is dead, God is dead

Oh my God I can't believe it
What went wrong?
The human race, in its place
In religion, superstition
Man's conditoined mysterious incomplete

(Superman, Old machines
Kind as that, Energenes
Good as dead, Man-Machines
Computer, effigy
Sound the horn, make the bed
Pull the cord, raise the dead
In my car, on this street
On this earth, on this feet)

Take it for a patient man I caught it
Patient is the kind that gets you paid
Even if I had, man, I got it
Seems I never had it anyway
Sometimes it may seem your best intentions
Take off with a fever anyway

1-2-3-4-5-6-7 All computers go to heaven
If you think you got the vision,
Put it in the conversation
1-2-3-4-5-6-7 All computers go to heaven
If you think you got the vision,
Put it in the conversation

I rejoice in what I carry in my heart
it overwelms what a man
Great Emancipation plans,
and public transport, clap your hands, Abraham
Oh religion, superstition,
Man's conditioned mysteries incomplete
Oh the Raven with its haven
All is dead, all is dead

Sufjan Stevens – Dear Mr. Supercomputer

lunes, 14 de diciembre de 2009

Down the line

I see problems down the line
I know that I'm right
there was a dirt upon your hands
doing the same mistake twice
making the same mistake twice

come on over and be so caught up
it's not about compromising

I see problems down the line
I know that I'm right
I see darkness down the line
I know its hard to fight

there was a dirt upon your hands
doing the same mistake twice
making the same mistake twice

come on over
be so caught up its all about compromise

I see problems down the line
I know that I'm right

don't let the darkness eat you up

sábado, 12 de diciembre de 2009

jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2009

Cubos, cubos, inconsistentes, rígidos, maleables, cubos, flexibles, cubos, cubos CUBOS!

Dudo luego existo.
"Saul Steinberg"

Estoy replanteandome si suicidarme golpeandome la cabeza con el cubo de esponja.
O quizá con el de cordones?
Creo que el de ladrillos será más efectivo.

lunes, 7 de diciembre de 2009

Banalidad vol. XVIV

- Perdón.
- Me has pisado.
- Ya, por eso, perdón.
- De nada.
- Gracias...?
- De nada.
- ...
- eh! ¡Me suenas!
- ... De qué?
- No sé.
- Tu a mi no.
- Pues yo a ti te conozco.
- Quizá me parezca a alguién que conoces, me pasa mucho últimamente, debo de tener un rostro demasiado común.
- Emmm... No creo. Bueno, te invito a un trago.
- No gracias.
- ¿Seguro? ¿Que te crees? ¡Solo es un trago!
- Bueno, si insistes...
- ¿Ron?
- Con cola... y un poco de limón. Gracias.
- De nada.